Last updated on March 10, 2025
My wife awoke from sleep a moment ago and called out for me. When I asked her what the matter was, she said she thought she had heard me say I had eaten a bug. This was clearly a figment of some dream on her part, as I had said no such thing. I told her she was most regrettable mistaken regarding my insect appetites. I then kissed her gently and told her to go back to sleep.
The thought of eating bugs tends to be a highly divisive concept for most people. Engaging in the mere thought process often ends with us deciding “that would be gross”. This was not the case for me, at least not today.
You see, my wife caries a lovingly playful moniker. It was bestowed upon her as a child by her late father. She was known to him as: Ladybug. I know her as: lb (short for ladybug) although I sometimes like to call her “bugslife” after the ladybug character Francis from the Pixar film A Bug’s Life. I often use these terms of endearment interchangeably. Anyway.

As I thought more about what my wife had just said to me. I laughed out loud and begin to have deliciously wicked thoughts. I then walked over to where she was lying. I caressed her soft hair for moment. I kissed her deeply, and lovingly. I basked in the glow of our wonderful 33 years together. I felt her intense love for me.
I was no longer interested in sleep for either of us at that moment.
And, shenanigans ensued…