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Good Grief, Gene

Last updated on March 10, 2025

“Gene Hackman, wife, and family dog found dead on Friday in their New Mexico Home.”

This was the shocking headline I read just before retiring to bed last night.

I quickly searched the Internet to confirm this news and assure myself this wasn’t simply some sort of sick hoax.

I have employed such frenzied research techniques many times over the years, especially during the recent US presidential election cycle.

We live in a time where such sensational headlines have become too commonly proven false, so I do my best not to spread what is often referred to as “fake news.”

Generally, such attention-grabbing headlines can quickly be refuted. In this case, and tragically, they apparently cannot.

Once I confirmed the news was unfortunately true using multiple reliable news sources, I allow myself to experience grief.

According to the prevailing modern psychology, humans experience grief in five distinct phases: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. I accept this framework as a useful tool in experiencing my own periods of grief.

I share the fruit of my employing this useful process below regarding the Hackman news:


The truth of this terrible news appears to both irrefutable, and undeniable. I reluctantly accepted the reality of this news, pending any new information to the contrary. I shall then proceed next to step two.


I became aware of this tragedic news via post on social media site: X

This post was written by actor Randy Quade.


This post from Quade on X simply said:

“Gene Hackman and his wife are murder victims, some scum bags did it and staged it. Stop talking about the films he is in, this is how they get away with murdering famous people! Fake News starts generating film clips. How is it possible I know at least 6 people who have died like Carradine, Hackman, Ledger?”

I read these words, and felt the need to try and understand the emerging facts better.

I began searching for more details and more sources via the Internet. As I mentioned there were many credible sources:

As I read further details regarding this tragedic event, I became: Angry. 

Time to proceed a step forward in my personal grieving process to bargaining.


The definition of bargaining that best suits my purpose here is this: “To part with something after negotiation but get little or nothing in return.” Link

The facts regarding this tragedy are still under investigation, but it seems we know this today:

In addition to Gene being found dead, authorities apparently also found his wife Betsy Arakawa, and their family dog dead. All three fatalities were found in separate rooms, and none of them showed signs of injury or struggle prior to death.

According to data from Gene’s pacemaker, he had been dead for approximately nine days upon discovery.

investigators have also ruled out possible carbon monoxide poisoning and external trauma as a cause of death.

This is starting to sound pretty hinky to me, so I decide to terminate negotiations, and proceed to the next step in my process.


I do not know anyone involved in this tragedy personally. In addition to mourning the loss of Gene, and Betsy, I also mourn the loss of the various characters he gave life to over his prolific career.

I don’t know if this is depression, but I do feel that without Gene present there is somehow a little less light in my world. Let us proceed lastly to acceptance.


The startling revelation of this tragedic event last night has left me with so many questions. Each answer I find only leads me to repeat this grievance process all over again. Perhaps that is the point of following such a framework in the first place.

By following this well defined grieving process in our own lives we can hopefull avoid getting stuck in our grief. By intentionally focusing our minds on this grievance process we can continue moving forward with our lives when tragedy finds each of us, and minimize any unintended negative outcomes.

I find comfort, and hope from the simplicity, and reliability of this valuable work.

I for one, embrace the process.

R.I.P. (Rest in Peace) Gene and Betsy. I for one already miss you greatly.

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