Last updated on March 10, 2025
In this first installment I must begin by addressing the elephant in the room:
Why did I choose to change the title of my blog from “Authentic Scott Sessions” to “So, I did a Thing?”
Well, contrary to using the word “Authentic” in the working title of our maiden pod, the name itself was not, in fact, authentic to me at all.
I must now confess, and I suspect you were already aware of this: I selected this title simply to use the acronym: ASS.
I feel no shame in my selection of the ASS acronym. I selected ASS for its fun, frivolous nature, as well as it’s almost unlimited double entendre potential.
Well, as my sometimes-favorite, youngest son quipped to me recently: “It was fun while it lasted.”
And so it was, indeed, “fun while it lasted.”
Now we move forward with a shiny new blog name and relegate ASS back to its proper place at our collective bottoms. Going forward, ASS will simply serve in the humble role of tagline fodder, and the occasional cringe-worthy sophomoric joke.
Now for some additional background regarding my motivation surrounding this new, more authentic, moniker:
“So, I did a Thing”, is a phrase I have spoken to my dear wife on far too many occasions to count during our often white knuckled 33-year relationship.
I often invoked this highly utilitarian phrase when wishing to come clean to her regarding some recent activity I was “up to,” (her words, not mine,) and where she had no prior knowledge of said activities.
Upon hearing me speak this phrase aloud, my wife will almost certainly assume a worried demeanor, and then ask me simply: “what did you do this time?”
I could always sense based on the fear I saw in her eyes, and the tone I heard in her voice that I had inadvertently turned this neutral sounding phrase into some worrisome, adrenaline-fueled, trauma trigger for her. I could certainly empathize with her reaction as well and never intended this to be the case. Yet, I could not quite bring myself to stop using this succinct, delicious, fun phrase.
My answer to my wife’s question would almost always vary in some way, of course, due to my myriad, often insane, and sometimes reckless adventures.
In selecting this title, I am attempting redeem this innocent helpless phrase, while also healing any accidentally inflicted PTSD I may have caused to my lovely wife.
My ultimate goal in starting this blog is to share my heart, mind, and soul. To somehow redeem this wrongly accused phrase in my wife’s mind.
My hope is to meet my goal by exploring and describing what goes on in my heart, my mind, my soul, and my often-erratic behavior in the form of story, prose, poetry, and perhaps even the occasional audio and/or video segments. I will select whatever medium I find best conveys my intended purpose in communicating.
it is my sincerest hope you will find this content, and my process, fun, witty, thoughtful, raw, and ultimately of value.
I gladly welcome any comments, critiques, questions, and suggestions you may have!
Now. On to adventure, my dear reader!
Your *hero, and your Stallion await!
Thank you all for coming to my TED Talk…